How Startup Bharat aims to change the startup ecosystem post-COVID 19 era?


The current coronavirus pandemic has left the whole world in a highly vulnerable and critical state, and it’s quite evident that the budding startups at the present moment and in future will have to go through many additional obstacles. One of which is managing the working space. With companies cutting off people and workload and landlords increasing the rent, it is high time where startups have to start working in coworking spaces.

With the dream of normalizing companies working under coworking spaces, a Chandigarh based startup with the name Starthub Bharat is making this a real thing.

With the increasing rents day by day, startups are aimed to work under the same roof to decrease the financial strain on each of them and also increasing connections at the same time.

Started with just a 90 seater coworking space, Starthub Bharat has now increased to 4 different centers with 450+ seaters each, catering 100+ companies and small agencies.

Just by purchasing the monthly subscription, one can buy their own space to work at a very affordable price. Starthub Bharat has an organized hospitality service which can be accessed via their official mobile application where you can rent spaces, message other startups, connect
other startups with your own and put up stories to highlight your business. You can also book separate meeting rooms and halls on certain occasions. Woking alongside 100s of budding entrepreneurs not only decreases the financial strain but also adds value and connections to the business.

Considering the current situation, budding startups can make use of the low priced spaces as well as increasing the number of connections for the business at the same time. With its affordable, new, and unique features, Starthub nation is competing with the likes of Cowrks, Weworks, and it is very likely to become a success in the coming future.


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