Vizag Based Startup Receives Funds from Singapore Based Firm


Verbindung Geshaft India Pvt. Ltd, a startup based in Visakhapatnam, develops innovative products for SME sector. The company has received investment from a Singapore based firm, Govin Capital Pte Ltd, amidst the Covid-19 crisis.

The funds received will help them fast-track the development and commercialize the software named Connetin in India, Singapore, and US.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer of GOVIN Holdings, Anand Govindaluri said that Connetin is an innovative product that would help bring about transparency in operations and help businesses avail monetary help from different financial institutions to enhance their business operations.

They were excited to have invested and partnered with Connetin and its vision that looks forward to provide credit to the SME sector of India and other countries and to play a role in the growth of the Indian economy, Govindaluri added.

CEO of Connetin, Umesh Bharadwaj said that the team of Connetin was working for a vision to offer timely finances to the SME units as a credit line system. In order to achieve their goals, they will work with unorganized businesses to organize operations. Connetin has expanded its product to different sectors like business cylinder manufacturers, traders, books, and several small industries.

Bharadwaj also revealed that their product helps businesses digitize their operations, offering them transparency. Connetin develops the profile of the business, creates a networking among other businesses, and influences new opportunities for the business, thereby building credibility. The two most significant sources for any financial institution to offer financial help are credibility and transparency.

We are looking forward to see how Connetin helps the SMEs of the Indian economy especially since economy is suffering the effects of the pandemic and requires finances to sustain.


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